WHO scales-up accountability processes as workshop on Key Performance Indicators integration opens in Abuja

WHO scales-up accountability processes as workshop on Key Performance Indicators integration opens in Abuja

Abuja, 14 September 2017-In a bid to fast-track attainment of World Health Organization (WHO) accountability processes as enshrined in the Transformation Agenda of the African Region, a 5-day (11-15 September, 2017) workshop on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) integration  is underway in Abuja with the objective of  entrenching measurable actions to evaluate impact of the intervention.

The Transformation Agenda of the WHO African Region (AFRO) outlines a vision for change aimed at enhancing programmatic and managerial performance of WHO in support of its Member States, towards improved health outcomes.

Welcoming facilitators and participants at the workshop, Dr Wondimagegnehu Alemu, WHO Country Representative (WR) to Nigeria stressed that KPIs were launched in 2016 to rapidly attain the transformation agenda for measuring WHO’s performance and demonstrate how donors’ resources are utilized towards achievement of WHO’s mandate.

He assured that with 20 KPIs to be implemented, Nigeria through its decentralized structures, will effectively monitor implementation of activities geared towards actualization of the indicators on what WHO does, its stewardship towards health security and acceleration of universal health coverage.

Facilitators from AFRO at the workshop are building capacity of participants drawn from country, zonal and state offices in Nigeria as well as Ghana, Liberia, Gambia and Guinea Bissau to cascade similar training in their various countries/clusters.Already, participants have been  introduced  to novel KPI reporting tools and standards, which would be instrumental in tracking progress of activities through which WHO supports national health goals of host countries.

At the end of  the workshop, country offices and members of staff will be equipped on self-assessment and how to closely monitor the contributions of WHO towards national health priorities in the areas of policy formulation, policy adoption, implementation and reporting on quarterly basis. The remote benefits of the training will be better staff accountability, increase in donor confidence, demonstration of results, promotion of WHO visibility in the global health development ecosystem and reinforcement of teamwork with other partners and redirecting priorities towards sustaining the culture of transparency by AFRO.

Technical Contact

  • Agblewonu Koffi B; +234 810 2210 0984; agblewonuk [at] who.int
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Hammanyero, Kulchumi Isa

Communications Officer
WHO Nigeria
Email: hammanyerok [at] who.int